Everyone has valid questions relating to hypnotherapy!

Let’s start with information published by one of the governing bodies, the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association®. Not surprisingly, anyone can be hypnotized to varying degrees since hypnosis is a natural state that a person experiences several times throughout the course of a day. The level of hypnosis a person achieves is often associated with their desire to succeed, receptivity to suggestion and ability to respond. It’s important to note that the American Psychiatric Association and the British Medical Association approved hypnosis as a viable therapeutic tool for all patients. Moreover, it can work on anyone and is absolutely safe because it is a naturally occurring process!
"Given the mounting evidence for hypnosis, heath care professionals are increasingly challenged to take a more integrative approach and learn about hypnosis as a primary therapy or as an adjunct to other psychotherapy approaches." Handbook of Medical and Psychological Hypnosis, by Gary R. Elkins.

Hypnosis can commonly assist in treating a range of ailments such as:
Loss of Loved Ones; Trauma; Grief;  Anxiety;  Confidence;  Stress; Pain;  Motivation;  Relationships;  Sleep Issues;  Distress; Phobias; Glaucoma; Post Traumatic Stress; Addiction; Anger Management; Self Esteem; Performance; Long COVID.